
Onderneming, Onderwijsinstellling

Towards Nature is a Gardening company which is creating nature friendly, sustainable, productive environments. We work based on Permaculture Ethics and Principles to transform human environments(Private Gardens, Community Places, Public Environments and Farmland) towards Sustainable, productive, edible and nature friendly places. We recycle your green waste to fertile soil, create nature's beauty around your living places. 

Our passion is Permaculture and the life style it is suggesting. We want to change the world towards nature friendly, peaceful, balanced, more meaningful and happy place. For humans and for all other creatures in nature. To solve our Environmental, Economic, Energy and Social issues, we need to transform ourselves. ?Our individual choices and investments make a big impact on our world in collective bases. The way we live defines the way our world evolves. Awareness of our individual impact on our planet is the key to make steps towards nature friendly and balanced environment.

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